Sunday 5 May 2013

PX Bees have arrived.

We have had our 18 hives arrive to aid with the annual pollination at Scotland Farm. We have 42 hives across the farms. A 20% yield increase has been recorded from having bees on the farm.

This last week the announcement from the Eu and decision to suspend neonicotinoids (used in seed dressings) for two years after its food safety experts said they posed an "acute risk to bee health".
I feel strongly for protecting the environment and must importantly the bee, which with out we won't have a thriving agriculture, but we need research before jumping to media stories and suspending chemicals. The suspension comes into force on the 1st December which is ridiculous as seed will be sown this autumn with the dressing still on. We will not use the product until its cleared again as the bee population is too important to us.

I took the pictures at a distance as the bees were out in the sun and I didn't fancy being chased.

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